209 research outputs found

    Relat?rio de est?gio curricular no Sporting Clube de Braga

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    Relat?rio de est?gio apresentado para obten??o do grau de Mestre em Treino Desportivo, na Escola Superior de Desporto e Lazer do Instituto Polit?cnico de Viana do Castelo.O presente relat?rio est? enquadrado no ?mbito do Mestrado em Treino Desportivo, da Escola Superior de Desporto e Lazer, do Instituto Polit?cnico de Viana do Castelo e diz respeito ao est?gio anual a realizar no 2? ano na modalidade de especializa??o escolhida pelo aluno. O meu caso enquadra-se na ?rea do futebol e visa n?o apenas o desenvolvimento profissional, mas tamb?m o desenvolvimento pessoal, atrav?s da aprendizagem e aplica??o de compet?ncias e conhecimentos adquiridos na ?rea do treino desportivo, seja a n?vel da avalia??o, prescri??o, controlo do processo de treino e todas as vertentes que est?o diretamente ligadas ao treino, desde a mais pequena comunica??o, at? toda a estrutura de rela??es interpessoais que s?o criadas. Fiquei inserido nas faixas et?rias mais jovens, sendo bastante importante e de especial aten??o esta ?rea especifica pois ? uma caracter?stica a ter aten??o e dessa forma tamb?m os v?rios processos de treino que devem ser implementados, consoante a idade, as necessidades dos atletas, o contexto em que estes est?o inseridos, o momento da ?poca desportiva em que se encontram e conforme estas necessidades, ter a perce??o de quando e como, trabalhar alguns aspetos, sejam eles t?cnicos, t?ticos, capacidades f?sicas, o pr?prio psicol?gico dos atletas, aspetos que s?o de grande import?ncia para o bom rendimento de cada atleta e o bom desempenho de todo o coletivo. O est?gio curricular foi realizado, na ?poca 2021/2022, no Sporting Clube de Braga, nas equipas de benjamins ?A? sub-11 e iniciados sub-15. As principais fun??es exercidas em ambas as equipas, foram as de treinador-adjunto e preparador f?sico, tendo sido desenvolvidas tarefas inerentes ?s mesmas. O relat?rio apresentado engloba v?rias ?reas ligadas ao futebol, principalmente futebol de forma??o, sustentadas por uma revis?o de literatura que contempla conte?dos associados principalmente ao jogo, ao treino, ? composi??o corporal, ?s capacidades f?sicas, como tamb?m ? contextualiza??o relativamente ?s teorias psicol?gicas que procuram compreender e descrever o comportamento dos jogadores de futebol. Pretende-se ainda, atrav?s da elabora??o deste relat?rio, apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo de toda a ?poca desportiva nas ?reas de interven??o, a n?vel de treino e em per?odos competitivos, sejam eles XIII jogos oficiais, jogos amig?veis ou torneios. Este relat?rio pode ser dividido em 4 partes principais, nomeadamente, a revis?o da literatura, o enquadramento da pr?tica profissional, o enquadramento funcional e a carateriza??o das tarefas a implementar, onde cada uma destas ?, sempre que poss?vel, sustentada por bases cient?ficas e o mais pormenorizada poss?vel. Em conclus?o, este est?gio permitiu-me desenvolver as minhas capacidades como treinador, num contexto de futebol de forma??o, em duas equipas com jogadores de v?rias idades, juntamente com a viv?ncia proporcionada por equipas t?cnicas de qualidade que me ajudaram a crescer como treinador.This report is framed within the scope of the Master Degree in Sports Training from the Sports and Leisure School, of the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and concerns the annual internship to be carried out in the 2nd year on the specialization modality chosen by the student, in this case , the field of football, which aims not only at professional development, but also at personal development, through the learning and application of skills and knowledge acquired in the field of sports training. The curricular internship was carried out, in the 2021/2022 season, at Sporting Clube de Braga, in the under-11 and under-15 initiates teams. The main functions performed in both teams were assistant coach and physical trainer, having been developed tasks inherent to them. The report presented encompasses several areas related to football, mainly youth football, supported by a literature review that includes contents mainly associated with the game, training, body composition, physical abilities, as well as the contextualization regarding the psychological theories that seek understand and describe the behavior of soccer players. It is also intended, through the elaboration of this report, to present the work developed throughout the sporting season in the areas of intervention, both at the training level and in the competitive periods, be they official games, friendly games or tournaments, in both the teams where I worked as a trainee coach. This report can be divided into 4 main parts, namely the literature review, the professional practice framework, the functional framework and the characterization of the tasks to be implemented, where each of these is, whenever possible, supported by scientific bases and the as detailed as possible. In conclusion, this internship allowed me to develop my skills as a coach, in a football training context, in two teams with players of different ages, along with the experience provided by quality technical teams that helped me grow as a coach

    Seismic analysis of a Mexican viaduct with nonlinear modeling of soil-structure interaction

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    Every day the need to understand earthquakes and how that phenomenon affects construction grows, to make it possible to prevent and minimize inherent risks to their relation. That need increases when projects are located in regions with large seismicity. Therefore, the present paper, which was developed in partnership with GEG ? Gabinete de Estruturas e Geotecnia, has, as a final goal, to study and compare the variety of calculation methods available on Eurocode 8 to design and evaluate earthquake resistant structures, using a real case study. The methods approached are linear dynamic analysis, also known as spectral analysis, nonlinear static analysis, also recognized as pushover analysis, and non-linear dynamic analysis, well-known as time-history analysis. Simultaneously to the seismic analyses, it is developed a detailed study of the parameters that affect the damping of soil-structure interaction.6612-034D-AE05 | PEDRO DA SILVA DELGADON/

    Fatigue crack growth rates on the weld metal of high heat input submerged arc welding.

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    Submerged arc welding (SAW) with high heat input and more than one wire has been used to weld thick plates in order to reduce the number of passes and consequent increase of productivity in the shipbuilding and oil industries. Additional characteristics of SAW such as high penetration and relative ease to produce welds with good finishing and without discontinuities contribute to this process has being widely applied. However, the use of very high heat inputs leads to the formation of a large melting pool and large amount of liquid metal, and it submits the weld region to long-term thermal cycles with low cooling rates. This scenario contributes to the formation of thick solidification structures and, at the end of the cooling, results in a microstructure consisting mainly of grain boundary ferrite with low mechanical strength and large grain size. This research evaluated fatigue cracks growth rates in welding metals with heat input higher than 10 kJ/mm made of the new SAW technique, called Integrated Cold Electrode? with addition of non-energized (cold) wire. Single pass welds were made on 25mm thick EH36 steel varying the chemical composition of the wire (filler metal). Microstructure, mechanical properties and da/dN??K graphics were made with the propagation of the crack in the longitudinal direction of the weld. For all tested conditions, propagation rates were similar to Paris regime base metals. However, the welds presented a crack propagation threshold higher than base metal, and fatigue threshold of higher heat input welds was increased using a molybdenum-containing filler metal. It was attributed to the presence of a higher amount of acicular ferrite in this particular welding microstructure

    Seismic analysis of a viaduct in Mexico considering soil-structure interaction

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    De modo a prevenir e minimizar os riscos s?smicos das estruturas, existe a necessidade crescente de compreender os sismos e a forma como estes afetam as constru??es. Essa necessidade aumenta quando se estudam projetos em zonas de grande sismicidade, como ? o caso do M?xico. Assim, o presente estudo, elaborado em parceria com o GEG ? Gabinete de Estruturas e Geotecnia, pretende analisar as v?rias abordagens de c?lculo inerentes ao dimensionamento e avalia??o de estruturas sismo-resistentes, sendo o principal objetivo compar?-las e avaliar a adequabilidade de cada uma delas ao caso de estudo. S?o essas abordagens a an?lise din?mica linear ou espetral, a an?lise est?tica n?o-linear, tamb?m designada an?lise pushover, e a an?lise din?mica n?o linear ou time-history. Simultaneamente ser? levado a cabo um estudo detalhado ao n?vel dos par?metros que afetam o amortecimento proveniente da intera??o solo-estrutura.6612-034D-AE05 | PEDRO DA SILVA DELGADOinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A jurema-preta ( Mimosa tenuiflora ), esp\ue9cie abundante no semi\ue1rido brasileiro, tem potencial para a produ\ue7\ue3o de taninos, havendo a necessidade de pesquisas que indiquem as melhores formas de aplica\ue7\ue3o dos mesmos. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a qualidade dos taninos da jurema-preta para a produ\ue7\ue3o de adesivo tanino formalde\ueddo com o per\uedodo de coleta da planta. Foram realizadas coletas de casca nos meses de agosto e dezembro de 2008 e em abril e agosto de 2009, na Fazenda Lameir\ue3o, Santa Terezinha, Para\uedba, sendo coletadas 10 plantas por per\uedodo, totalizando 40 plantas. As cascas foram retiradas do tronco e galhos de di\ue2metro de at\ue9 3,0 cm, mo\ueddas em moinho de facas e classificadas em peneiras e empregadas para a extra\ue7\ue3o de taninos, part\uedculas inferiores a 1,0 x 2,0 cm e superiores a 0,2 x 0,2 cm. Os extratos t\ue2nicos para a produ\ue7\ue3o de adesivos foram extra\ueddos em \ue1gua destilada em uma autoclave na temperatura de ebuli\ue7\ue3o da \ue1gua \ue0 press\ue3o atmosf\ue9rica, concentrados por evapora\ue7\ue3o ao ar livre e mantidos em estufa a 70 \ub1 3\ub0C, at\ue9 a completa evapora\ue7\ue3o da umidade. Foram avaliados o teor de s\uf3lidos totais, \uedndice de Stiasny e teor de taninos condensados nas cascas. Para produzir os adesivos, foi realizada a sulfita\ue7\ue3o \ue1cida dos taninos obtidos. Houve influ\ueancia do per\uedodo de coleta das plantas no teor de taninos condensados. Foi encontrado nos adesivos produzidos com os taninos de jurema-preta, valor de teor s\uf3lido semelhante aos da ac\ue1cianegra ( Acacia mearnsii ), n\ue3o havendo diferen\ue7a significativa entre os per\uedodos de coleta para o teor s\uf3lidos e tempo de gelatiniza\ue7\ue3o dos adesivos. Por\ue9m, o per\uedodo de coleta influenciou o pH e a viscosidade dos adesivos. Os adesivos produzidos tiveram viscosidade elevada, indicando a necessidade de pesquisas para a melhoria dos mesmos.Mimosa tenuiflora is an abundant species in the Brazilian semi-arid region which offers potential for the tannin production but need research indicating the best ways of its application. This study aimed to evaluate the quality of tannin from Mimosa tenuiflora for the formaldehyde tannin adhesive production with the plant collection period. The bark collections were carried out in the months of August and December of 2008 and in April and August of 2009, in Lameir\ue3o farm, in municipality of Santa Terezinha, Para\uedba state, Brazil, being collected 10 plants per period, totaling 40 plants. The barks were taken from the trunk and branches up to 3.0 cm in diameter, ground into mill knives and classified in sieves, having been employed for the extraction of tannins, particles less than 1.0 x 2.0 cm and superior than 0.2 x 0.2 cm. The extract tannic for the adhesives production was extracted in distilled water in an autoclave at boiling temperature of water at atmospheric pressure, concentrated by evaporation and kept in an oven at 70 \ub1 3 \ub0C until the complete evaporation of moisture, and was evaluated the total solid content, Stiasny\u2019s index and condensed tannin content in the bark by collection period. To produce the adhesives, an acid sulphitation of tannins was obtained. There was influence of period of collection of the plants in condensed tannin contents. It was found in adhesives produced with the tannins of Mimosa tenuiflora, solid content values, similar to those of Acacia mearnsii , no significant difference between collection periods for the solid content and gelatinization time of adhesives was obtained. However, the collection period influenced the pH and viscosity of adhesives. The adhesives produced showed high viscosity, indicating the need for research to improve the adhesives produced

    Interpretation of magnetic data based on euler deconvolution : analysis of the main host gold structure in the northeastern portion of the Quadril?tero Ferr?fero, MG, Brazil.

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    The study of the geometry and kinematics of deep geological structures, bearing mineralization, has advanced greatly by the aggressive progress of geophysical techniques over the last decades. The gold mineralization located in the Quadril?tero Ferr??fero has its genesis controlled by shear zones. The geophysical analysis (aeromagnetic and aero-electromagnetic) by means of two-dimensional magnetic data inversion profiles (Euler deconvolution) and later interpolation, provided the 3D configuration of a tectonic-structural geological model, explaining the spatial configuration of lithostratigraphic and structural units, and kinematics features of the main shear zone mineralized in gold in the northeastern portion of the Quadril?atero Ferr??fero. The processing of airborne geophysical magnetic data of the Rio das Velhas Project provided the generation of inversion profiles with outputs up to 5000 m deep, opening new windows for gold prospection at the surroundings of the main gold mineralized structure in the Quadril?atero Ferr?fero. The integration of geological, geophysical data and field observations was essential for the final results of this work.O estudo da geometria e cinem?tica de estruturas geol?gicas de alta profundidade, portadoras de mineraliza??es, tem sido cada vez mais viabilizado pelo avan?o agressivo das t?cnicas geof?sicas nas ultimas d?cadas. As mineraliza??es de ouro localizadas no Quadril?atero Ferr?fero t?em a sua g?nese controlada por zonas de cisalhamento. A an?lise geof?sica (magnetometria e eletromagnetometria de dados aerolevantados) atrav?s de perfis de invers?o bidimensionais (deconvolu??o de Euler) e posterior interpola??o, possibilitou a configura??o 3D de um modelo geol?gico tectono-estrutural, que permitisse uma an?lise e sugest?o descritiva da configura??o espacial de unidades litoestratigr?ficas, estruturais e cinem?tica da principal zona de cisalhamento mineralizada em ouro do nordeste do Quadril?tero Ferr?fero. O processamento de dados magnetom?tricos aerogeof?sicos do Projeto Rio das Velhas possibilitou a gera??o de perfis de invers?o com respostas de at? 5000 m de profundidade, abrindo novas janelas para a prospec??o de ouro nas adjac?ncias da principal estrutura mineralizada em ouro do Quadril?atero Ferr?fero. A integra??o de dados geol?gicos, aerogeof?sicos e de observa??es de campo foi fundamental para os resultados finais deste trabalho

    Using AR interfaces to support industrial maintenance procedures

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    Industries are becoming more and more digitized to better implement intelligent and predictive maintenance support systems, aligned with Industry 4.0, which requires the progressive digitization of data collection and processes. Maintenance interventions, in an evolving technological context, are increasingly more complex and difficult for technicians to perform. In these environments, the use of Augmented Reality (AR) to help assist and guide in the maintenance operations, can accomplish a considerable gain in productivity. AR allows to superimpose information objects in real scenes, such as text, images, audiovisuals, and 2D/3D model animations, making available contextual information about the process, based on location and perspective. This paper describes the design and implementation of a prototype augmented reality application to support maintenance tasks inside a metal stamping production unit, that produces components for the automotive sector. It aims to train and guide personnel during the maintenance operations, and offering an extra channel to reach expert help.2411-78B2-7CDB | Pedro Miguel MoreiraN/

    a critical review

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    The availability of wearable devices (WDs) to collect biometric information and their use during activities of daily living is significantly increasing in the general population. These small electronic devices, which record fitness and health-related outcomes, have been broadly utilized in industries such as medicine, healthcare, and fitness. Since they are simple to use and progressively cheaper, they have also been used for numerous research purposes. However, despite their increasing popularity, most of these WDs do not accurately measure the proclaimed outcomes. In fact, research is equivocal about whether they are valid and reliable methods to specifically evaluate physical activity and health-related outcomes in older adults, since they are mostly designed and produced considering younger subjects? physical and mental characteristics. Additionally, their constant evolution through continuous upgrades and redesigned versions, suggests the need for constant up-to-date reviews and research. Accordingly, this article aims to scrutinize the state-of-the-art scientific evidence about the usefulness of WDs, specifically on older adults, to monitor physical activity and health-related outcomes. This critical review not only aims to inform older consumers but also aid researchers in study design when selecting physical activity and healthcare monitoring devices for elderly people.DB19-D819-F720 | Carlos Eduardo da Silva TeixeiraN/
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